AI and Human art collab

Let us create something Fantastik for you today
Get yours TODAY

Your image

Fantastik Images staring: YOU

Snap a picture from your phone or on your laptop, and you’re on your way to seeing yourself in a Fantastik new world!

AI & Human Collaboration

More than just a face swap

Let our Artist and AI transform your image into a completely new and Fantastik creation that unique!

All yours

You own your Fantastik Image

You retain full rights to your Fantastik Image. Use it in any way you want, from simply posting it to social media to printing it out on products or anything else you think of!

See for yourself

Take a look at some examples of Fantastik Images

Ordinary images become Fantastik when Human and AI collaborate!

Are you ready to get your Fantastik Image?

Take your Image from boring to Fantastik right now

Questions and answers


How do you make a Fantastik Image?

We create our images through a collaboration between a Human Artist and an AI. Anyone can go to one of multiple AI art generators and type in a prompt to get a good looking image, but we go way beyond that. An artist takes your image, makes any needed adjustments via photo editing software, then uses the AI to generate the image around your face. This process continues over several generations, as the Artist and AI slowly refine your image until it is completely Unique and Fantastik!


Aren’t AI art tools free?

YES! Some AI Art tools are free, and you can use them to create stunning and surreal images right now! Our service is aimed at giving non-technically and non-artistically inclined users the ability to see themselves in a Fantastik new way without having to learn all the technology behind AI, nor to buy and master expensive photo editing software.


Who owns the finished image?

You do! The image is a completely unique collaboration between man and machine, and thus is a completely new work of art. Once completed, you own all rights to the work until such time as you relinquish them.


What can I do with my Fantastik Image?

Anything you can think of! Post them on social media. Create more artwork or products from them on sites like CafePress. Turn them into NFTs. Your imagination is your limit, since you own the work! Additionally, once your Fantastik Image is complete, we will also provide some custom ways to display your work including posters, canvas prints and more!

There is no better time than right now to get started on your Fantastik Image!







More themes and Races are being added frequently! Keep checking back to find out what new and exciting Fantastik Images you can create!